The Dark Side of Slovenian Pig Farming: Rotting Carcasses, Open Wounds, and Cramped Conditions

Ljutomer, June 24, 2021

In 2020 and 2021, activists conducted Slovenia’s first undercover investigation into the living conditions of farm animals at a facility that raises 15,000 suckling piglets annually.

The footage, collected over several months, exposes living conditions starkly different from the idealized images presented in advertisements and media campaigns by the meat industry.

The hidden investigation, unlike the official veterinary inspection, has been performed completely unannounced and reveals frightening conditions on the piglet farm:

- lack of hygiene: sows are forced to lay in their feces and urine, decomposing corpses of animals are not removed on time, piglets are born on hard floors contaminated with fecal matter,

- sows and piglets with large and small untreated wounds: absence of veterinary care, leg deformations, rectal prolapses, hernias, pressure sores, mastitis, large open wounds,

- severe restriction of movement: during artificial insemination, late pregnancy and until the end of weaning, sows are forced to live in individual boxes of size 1.3m^2 continually for at least 2 months, during which they cannot move more than a few inches back and forth, cannot turn or care for their offspring.

- harsh and barren environment: the slatted floors are concrete and with sharp edges. There is no straw or any soft material for either comfort or enrichment,

- wide use of preventative antibiotics,

- high mortality of piglets: many are stillborn, sometimes whole batches, but even more die of disease and the lower constitution piglets are 'euthanised' by smashing them against the floor.

The uncovered conditions are for the most part strictly within the bounds of the law, as a later visit by the inspection service confirmed. However, these standard conditions were before completely unknown to the Slovenian public due to misleading marketing by the meat industry and a total lack of transparency on their part. Alas, until animal enterprises voluntarily become transparent about how animals under their care are treated, transparency shall be forced on them instead.